Schlafendes Paar


Paranasal sinus surgery for permanent sinusitis

«Dr. Schwab war für mich die Erlösung von einem jahrelangen,wiederkehrenden Übel: Immer wieder Sinusitis mit Fieber und Müdigkeit, die nur mit Antibiotika in Schach gehalten werden konnte. Durch die vielen Entzündungen waren sämtliche Nasen-Nebenhöhlen von Ablagerungen verstopft, was wiederum noch rascher zu einer neuen Sinusitis führte. Ein Teufelskreis. Da es kritische Stimmen zum Erfolg einer OP gibt, wartete ich lange ab. Zu lange. Hätte ich Dr. Schwab schon eher getroffen – diesen exzellenten Operateur, gewissenhaften Nach-Behandler, und dazu sympathischen Menschen -, wäre mir einiges erspart geblieben. Die OP verlief optimal, auch wenn die Tamponade während einer Woche etwas unangenehm war. Ich fühle mich endlich wieder fit und gesund, und ich kann frei atmen. Ein neues Stück Lebensqualität!»
(U.R. Female, 70 years)

NaNasal wall correction and à Wengen implant

"Super care and guidance. I visited Dr. Schwab in 2017 based on a recommendation. I had been treated by other doctors for years and had repeatedly taken antibiotics to treat my recurring infections. Dr. Schwab quickly recognized the problem and recommended a nasal septum correction and the à Wengen titanium implant for improved nasal breathing and against snoring. What can I say? The implant serves its purpose perfectly. My breathing is great, even with a severe cold. The surgery itself and the healing were without complications and there was very little pain. I would do the surgery again anytime. I can only say thank-you from the bottom of my heart." (SU, female, 45 years old).

Competent and successful medical treatment

"Dr. Schwab treated my snoring problem optimally, with a nasal concha laser. The completely bloodless procedure resulted in an improvement in nasal breathing and thus a gain in quality of life. A further positive effect is that I no longer have nosebleeds, whereas previously I had them frequently." (HS, male, 62 years)

This is how all doctors should be

"As I have suffered from a congested nose since my youth, I have tried repeatedly to have it surgically repaired. Unfortunately my first two attempts with other doctors failed miserably. This made the uncomplicated and professionally excellent treatment and operation by Dr. Schwab all the more pleasing. The operation went very well and I hardly had any pain afterwards. Within a few days of recovery, I was able to feel the first successes in breathing through my nose, and now I can finally breathe normally through my nose again. Thanks to Dr. Schwab I feel like a new person." (RA, male, 34 years)

Finally able to take a deep breath again with a free nose

"We decided to have our daughter (12J) operated on and we would do it again. After chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and a constantly blocked nose, no medication helped anymore and sleeping was only possible after using nasal spray. There was no alternative. Our relatives and acquaintances often advised us against such an operation. Basically we discovered that many people have negative opinions on this subject. But they are totally unfounded! Our child has gained a new quality of life through the nose operation. In addition to peaceful sleep, she can now pursue her hobbies and sports, and is happy. The first few days after the operation were certainly not so pleasant, but that passes very quickly and Dr. Schwab is an excellent surgeon. He and his team are distinguished by the very good information they give before the operation and their wonderful way of dealing with children." (NG, female, 43 years old)

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