Table of content
- Cosmetic versus functional nose surgery
- Alteration of the external and internal shape of the nose
- Lack of nasal breathing - far-reaching problems
- Types of deformation of the external nose shape
- Why rhinoplasty?
- Accompaniment and side effects
- What happens after rhinoplasty and what do I have to consider?
- What does a rhinoplasty cost?
- Brief overview

Before the nose correction

After the nose correction
When is cosmetic or functional nose surgery necessary?
The nose is the centre of the face and thus gives or takes away expressiveness. At the moment it can be covered by the Corona Mouth nose mask, but otherwise it is widely visible. Large noses and strongly curved noses are often perceived as disturbing by those affected. For many, this also becomes a psychological burden.
In most cases, this particular shape, whether congenital or the result of an accident, is associated with nasal obstruction, olfactory impairment or chronic inflammation of the sinuses.
To find out how big the cosmetic part or the functional part of the complaints is, requires a precise specialist check-up.
Rhinoplasty or functional nose surgery - what is the difference?
Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery on the nose. Plastic surgery on the nose aims to change the shape of the nose, whereas functional surgery serves to improve the flow of air through the nose and thus breathing, smelling and the air conditioning and filtration of the air breathed. It is best for the patient if both needs are met. So the nose after the operation does not only look beautiful and thus as desired. Breathing even works well or better than before. When choosing a surgeon, one should therefore ask oneself the following questions: does one choose, for example, a plastic surgeon who performs purely cosmetic surgery as his or her main occupation? Or would it be better to choose an ORL surgeon who has both the appearance of the nose and its functionality in mind? And in this context is the better trained specialist.
What is the purpose of plastic surgery of the nose?
Plastic surgery on the skeleton of the nose can have different goals. On the one hand, the restoration of function or aesthetics, i.e. a change towards normality. On the other hand, the beautification of the shape of an already functional nose.
Changes in the external and internal shape of the nose
The outer and inner shape of the nose vary in every person. The outer bony nose is only changed by traumatic events, i.e. fractures, operations or - until puberty - by the growth of the skull.
In contrast, the cartilaginous part of the nose can also significantly change the cross-section of the airways through increased inhalation and exhalation. In addition, there is swelling tissue under the mucous membrane in the nose. If an allergic reaction occurs or if a viral cold is particularly aggressive, it can also lead to complete obstruction of the internal airways.
What consequences can a shape disorder have?
As the inner and outer nose shape deviates from normality, the individual problems increase. Shape disorders of the external nose almost regularly also affect the internal airways. In addition to increased airway resistance, problems in preparing the air for breathing are also noticeable. The function of the nose is essentially that of an air conditioner. It filters the air we breathe.
It warms it up and ensures that the air we breathe is sufficiently humidified so that the downstream airways - the throat, bronchial tubes and lungs - do not dry out. The consequences can be crusting and bruising, as can be observed in patients who have had a tracheotomy and have to breathe through a hole in the throat, a so-called tracheostoma.
Lack of nasal breathing - far-reaching problems
High airway resistance in the nose triggers predominant or exclusive mouth breathing. We know this from sport, when the body needs much more air than can get through the airways at that moment. If nasal breathing is permanently obstructed, this leads to chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes in the mouth, tongue, gums, larynx, trachea and lungs. In children who cannot breathe through the nose because of their large adenoids, discolouration or demineralisation of the incisors can be seen in addition to the raised upper lip, and because the protection provided by saliva is lacking, caries and bad breath are also frequent.
Odour impairment means a reduction in quality of life
Smelling can only take place adequately when the nasal flow profile is undisturbed. Entire professions depend on a good sense of smell (chef, sommelier, cosmetics industry, etc.), but we also associate a whole emotional world with olfactory experiences via our limbic system ("That's what summer smells like"). Smell restriction thus also means restricted emotional sensation and vibrational capacity. Perceiving smells is not only about sniffing out fragrances, perfumes and good food. We are warned of danger by the smell of fire and are glad if we notice dog excrement on the sole of our shoes in time before we carry it all over the flat.
Types of deformation of the external nose shape

For the most common changes in the shape of the external nose, the rhinoplasty surgeon classifies them as:
- Crooked nose (bridge of the nose deviates from the median-sagittal plane),
- Saddle nose (lowering and/or widening of the bridge of the nose),
- hump nose (elevation or protrusion of the line connecting the root of the nose and the tip of the nose), as well as the
- Tension nose (profile showing excess growth of several cartilaginous components of the nose, slit-shaped and narrow shape of the nostrils).

These deformities can lead to very practical everyday problems. For example, when wearing glasses, as the nose bridge often forms unpleasant to painful pressure points. But they can also lead to self-esteem problems and psychological disorders in predisposed patients.

Illustration before and after nose surgery
Why should a rhinoplasty operation be performed?
The subjective complaints of the patient are decisive for the decision whether a rhinoplasty operation should be performed. If the findings made by the ORL surgeon during the clinical examination can explain the complaints and if these can thus be treated surgically, the operation is indicated.
Usually, the next step is a photo documentation of the external nose. The aims of the operation are discussed with the patient and documented. Desirable and undesirable possibilities of the surgical result, as well as their probability of occurrence, are discussed with the patient.
What is the aim of the rhinoplasty operation?
The aim of the operation is to achieve a straight nose, with dimensions adapted to the particular face. The infrastructure of the bony and cartilaginous nose should be stable and in a regular position. Depending on the existing complaints (hump nose, long nose, tension and crooked nose), a reducing rhinoplasty with removal of bony-cartilaginous parts of the nose may be considered. Enlarged rhinoplasties (in the case of nasal malformations with substance defects of the bony-cartilaginous infrastructure or its soft parts) require a relining with cartilage, which is either taken from other regions of the nose, or from the auricle, or from the rib. Fatty tissue, skin, fascia or hyaluron fillers can also be used to fill volume deficits.
Rhinoplasty - surgical procedure
First of all, there is either a telephone or a personal consultation with the anaesthetist, during which the specific procedures and the laboratory findings obtained by the general practitioner are discussed.
Admission to the clinic takes place on the day of the operation.
Depending on the complexity of the operation, it can either be performed on an outpatient basis, i.e. you can go home again on the same day. Or it can be performed as an in-patient and involves 1 to 2 nights in hospital.
How long does the nose operation take?
Depending on how much of the nose needs to be changed, the procedure usually takes between 1 and 2 hours, in rare cases even longer.
Can someone accompany me?
Depending on the occupancy rate, the hospital also allows the partner to be admitted if this is desired. However, the costs of the hotel service are charged separately for this. However, this only applies if the hospital is not fully occupied by surgical patients. Government orders such as epidemic hygiene measures (e.g. Corona), which entail specific restrictions, can also limit these possibilities.
Can someone visit me in hospital?
Sollte der Eingriff nicht ambulant, sondern stationär durchgeführt werden, freut man sich über Besuch am Krankenbett. Dieser Besuch kann bereits am Abend des Operationstages erfolgen. Er sollte jedoch nicht zu lange dauern, da man nach der Operation in der Regel noch etwas müde ist. Massnahmen der Behörden, wie beispielsweise bei Corona, können allerdings das Besuchsrecht zum Schutz der anderen Patienten deutlich einschränken.
Scars, swelling or discolouration after rhinoplasty surgery
Depending on what the patient has agreed with the surgeon, the rhinoplasty operation takes place as a "closed technique" or as an "open technique". In the closed technique, the incisions are only made in the inner area of the nose, which is not visible to you. This means that no scar is visible during the healing process.
In the open procedure, a small incision is made at the bridge of the nose, which is usually barely visible after some time.
Swelling and discolouration often occur in the immediate post-operative phase. Cooling with ice usually reduces the swelling around the eyes considerably after 1 to 2 days and after a week it is practically no longer present. Discolouration, on the other hand, lasts the longest, although the body usually breaks down the haematoma well. After about 10 days, the skin colour returns to normal. Slight discolourations can also be concealed very well with opaque make-up.
What happens if I have to take blood thinners or other medication?
Taking blood thinners increases the risk of secondary bleeding and haematoma formation due to bleeding into the surrounding tissue. This results in swelling and discolouration. In order to reduce this risk, we recommend either discontinuing the anticoagulant substance for the duration of the operation or replacing it with a suitable preparation after consulting the respective family doctor or attending internist.
Be sure to talk to the surgeon and inform him if you have to take medication regularly because of other chronic diseases, e.g. diabetes, high blood pressure or seizure disorders.
Are tamponades or nasal plaster used during rhinoplasty surgery?
To stabilise the surgical result, it is necessary to fix the cartilaginous-bony structures in the desired position so that undisturbed healing can take place. We distinguish between internal and external stabilisation.
External stabilisation is done with thermoplastic, composite splints made of metal and foam. Alternatively, a plaster of paris is used, as it is known from splinting fractures.
The internal stabilisation is done with silicone or plastic splints, which are positioned on both sides of the nasal septum and are connected to each other by a holding thread and thus fixed. Often a breathing tube is also used, which enables free and unhindered nasal breathing immediately after the operation.
The breathing tube is often removed directly on the first post-operative day. Stabilisation of the nasal septum and external nose should be done for one week. After that, a plaster bandage is used for a few more days to reduce local swelling, for example due to lymphatic congestion.
They are thus protected by the splints from unintentional shape-changing contacts, such as accidentally bumping the nose against objects or when sleeping and turning over in bed, for as long as this is necessary due to the sensitivity of the nose. At the same time, immediate and trouble-free nasal breathing is guaranteed.
When will I see the final result of the nose surgery?
After about a week, the outer splint bandage of the nose is removed. At this point you can already see the basic features of the new nose shape, but the body still needs a few weeks for the swelling of the nose and midface to go down. It takes up to 6 weeks for the bone to regain its original strength. The formation and healing of scars, however, takes up to a year. Therefore, the result can usually only be assessed after a few months. In rare cases, an already good cosmetic result changes even further due to the body's build-up and degradation processes or due to scar traction, so that minor subsequent corrections may sometimes be necessary.
What happens after rhinoplasty?
Aftercare following the operation is as important as the operation itself. During this time, you will treat your nose daily with soft ointments and with a nasal douche. The surgeon sucks off the wound secretion that occurs during the first few days, similar to a cold. This wound secretion is very rich in proteins and nutrients and, if it remains in the nose, can lead to local inflammations that are avoidable. This is why it is so important to make regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon, especially during the initial period.
When can I put weight on myself again, when can I do sport?
Exertion increases the blood flow and, in addition to the risk of secondary bleeding, leads to swelling and thus also unwanted changes in shape. Lifting weights over 10 kg or sporting activities that involve a pulse rate of over 100 beats per minute should be avoided during the first 4 weeks. However, you should not remain inactive because of this. Go for a walk, even a little faster, ride a bike, but not uphill, but on level ground.
Nicotine and alcohol
The consumption of alcohol and nicotine impedes the healing process. The development of local inflammations is favoured. This does not mean that you have to reduce your consumption to zero, but please act responsibly. The following applies here: less helps more.
Can I wear my glasses/sunglasses after rhinoplasty surgery?
The support of the glasses lies directly on the surgical area. The support and the associated local pressure directly interferes with wound healing and thus leads to nutritional disturbances of the bone, cartilage and soft tissue. As a consequence, there are swellings and indentations, as can already be observed in non-operated spectacle wearers when wearing spectacles continuously. In contrast, these "impressions" can then remain as a change in shape. If it is necessary to wear glasses permanently, it is therefore recommended to switch to contact lenses for the first 3 months after the operation. This must be organised before the operation.
Sunglasses should also not be worn during this time. Instead, it is recommended to wear a visor cap, which not only protects the eyes but also the nose from the immediate stress caused by the physical effects of sunlight.
What costs should I expect for the nose operation?
At the beginning there is always a specialist examination and consultation. The surgeon will find out about the anatomical and physiological situation of the nose and upper airways and the patient's wishes and expectations. This first consultation costs about CHF 200.
If additional examinations are necessary, the surgeon will be able to inform you of this at the first consultation. The surgeon will also try to find out whether the problems described have a medical background. In this case, at least part of the costs could be covered by your statutory health insurance or accident insurance.
In the case of a purely cosmetic indication, where the costs are not borne by the health insurance but exclusively by the patient, costs of about CHF 12,000 can be expected.
At what age can I have a nose correction?
Rhinoplasty is typically only performed after the skull has completed its growth. This takes place between the ages of 18 and 20. Growth spurts can still change the result of the operation afterwards.
Is pain to be expected during the nose operation?
Typically, this procedure does not involve any pain that cannot already be controlled with a mild painkiller such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
Funding for the cost of rhinoplasty?
There are various providers who offer loans for a nose operation in return for a standard bank interest rate with appropriate collateral. There are also insurance policies to cover the costs of the operation. We are not allowed to make any specific recommendations at this point, but there are various providers in German-speaking countries.
When can I return to work after the nose operation?
In times of home office and mandatory masks, you can go straight back to work, depending on how you feel. If you can make it happen and are purely a desk jockey, a quick return to work is possible after just a few days.
However, if you do physical work, have to lift heavy loads or work overhead, we would be happy to certify you as unfit for work for up to 2 weeks.
Brief overview of the facts of a nose correction
approx. 1 - 2 hours
1 to 2 nights or outpatient
approx. 10 to 14 days
approx. 2 weeks
approx. 4 to 6 weeks
approx. 12.000 CHF