Otopexy - surgery against protruding ears or big ears
Table of content
- What is operated on and how does the operation proceed?
- What about scars, swelling etc.?
- When will I see the final result of the ear correction?
- When can I put weight on myself again, when can I do sport?
- What costs should I expect?
- Financial return of the operation costs
- When can I go back to work?
- Brief overview of facts and costs
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Before the surgery

After the surgery
Ear surgery to treat protruding ears or big ears
Many people suffer from protruding ears or other changes in shape. They often do not dare to wear short hairstyles or to tie their hair, if it is long, into a ponytail. They usually find the shape of their ears unpleasing since childhood and adolescence, or are even teased by others for having "sail ears". Unlike the nose, this change in the shape of the ear is often not due to traumatic events or sports injuries - but rather to growth. Ears consist of a cartilaginous and therefore deformable substructure. This growth leads to a deformity of the auricle, with the ears protruding too far from the head in most cases. The folding of the ear cartilage is also either incomplete or non-existent. In rarer cases, the ears are found to be too large, and in even rarer cases, too small. The corona masks, which are held behind the ears with rubber threads, can also deform previously cosmetically inconspicuous, non-protruding ears to the point of grotesqueness. In the case of previously already protruding ears, however, the elastics slip off the ears and cannot be held in the fold behind the ear in the usual way. The pressure of suffering is often enough already very great and is intensified by this circumstance. Therefore, many affected people wish they could have their ears flattened with an appropriate operation. This is possible with an otoplasty - also called an otopexy, earplasty or ear surgery.What exactly is operated on during otopexy?
In this ear correction, an incision is made on the back of the ear that is later hardly visible. From there, the skin over the ear cartilage is tunneled and the cartilage is thinned out or made deformable with the help of special techniques. Excess cartilage is also removed. The auricle can now be placed in the desired folds. These are then fixed with special sutures so that a natural and desired shape of the ear is created.What is the procedure for the ear surgery?
You will be admitted to the clinic on the day of the operation. Prior to the operation, either a telephone or a personal consultation with the anaesthetist takes place, during which the specific procedures and the laboratory results obtained by the family doctor are discussed. The operation is usually performed on an outpatient basis, which means that you can go home again on the same day.How long does the ear operation take?
This depends on whether both ears are to be operated on - which is usually the case for reasons of symmetry. In this case, the operation usually takes about 1 hour per ear, in rare cases even longer.Can or must someone accompany me?
In the case of outpatient procedures, it is always necessary that the patient does not drive home himself after anaesthesia. An accompanying person should support him or her, or drive him or her. If this is not possible, transport should be by taxi, but not by local public transport.What about scars, what about swelling or discolouration after otopexy?
The development of scars varies from individual to individual. Patients with strong pigmentation, for example, tend to have more pronounced scarring. However, since the incision in an otoplasty is made exactly in the fold behind the ear - and a skin suture is made at skin level as a so-called intracutaneous suture - the risk of developing a visible scar is low. Temporary swellings disappear within the first week. Discolouration, on the other hand, lasts the longest, but the body also breaks down the haematoma well. After about 10 days, the skin colour returns to normal. Slight discolourations can also be covered well with make-up.What should I bear in mind if I have to take blood thinners or other medication?
Taking blood thinners increases the risk of secondary bleeding and haematoma formation due to bleeding into the surrounding tissue resulting in swelling and discolouration. In order to reduce this risk, we recommend either discontinuing the anticoagulant substance for the period of the operation or replacing it with a suitable preparation after consulting the respective general practitioner or attending internist. Please also talk to the surgeon and inform him if you have to take medication regularly because of other chronic diseases, e.g. diabetes, high blood pressure or seizure disorders.When will I see the final result of the ear correction?
After 2 days the pressure bandage is removed from the forehead. At this point you can already see the basic features of the new ear shape. However, the body still needs a few weeks for the swelling of the ear and the surrounding soft tissue structures to go down. It takes up to 6 weeks for the cartilage to regain its original strength, and the formation and healing of scars may take up to 1 year. A final assessment of the result is therefore usually only possible after a few months. In a few patients, an already good cosmetic result may still be altered due to build-up and breakdown processes of the body or due to scar traction, so that minor follow-up corrections may be necessary in individual cases.What happens after the ear surgery?
Aftercare following ear correction is as important as the operation itself. During this time, the ear is treated daily with soft ointments. The surgeon checks the wound conditions during the first few days. The thread behind the ear is pulled out after 7 to 10 days. This is why it is so important to make regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon, especially during the first period.When can I put weight on myself again, when can I do sport?
Exertion increases the blood flow and, in addition to the risk of secondary bleeding, leads to swelling and thus also to unwanted changes in shape. Lifting weights over 10 kg or sporting activities that involve a pulse rate of over 100 beats per minute should be avoided during the first 4 weeks. However, you should not remain inactive because of this. Go for a walk, even a little faster, ride a bicycle, but not uphill, but on level ground. Please do not wash your hair until the stitches have been removed, as the wound surfaces should remain dry for better healing.When can I wear my glasses, reading glasses or sunglasses after the ear operation?
The earpiece of the glasses lies directly on the surgical area. The support and the associated local pressure directly interferes with wound healing and thus leads to nutritional disturbances of the soft tissue. If it is necessary to wear glasses permanently, it is therefore recommended to switch to contact lenses for the first 3 months after the ear surgery. This must be organised before the operation. Sunglasses should also not be worn during this time. Instead, it is recommended to wear a headband for 6 weeks, which is unproblematic for post-operative phases in winter. If these fall in the summer, a terrycloth headband like those used by tennis players should be worn to keep the ears in the desired position. At the same time, the ears are protected from the immediate stress of physical effects and also from sunlight.What costs should I expect for ear reattachment surgery?
At the beginning there is always a specialist examination and consultation. The surgeon will find out about the anatomical and physiological situation of the ear and the patient's wishes and ideas. This first consultation costs about 200 Swiss francs. If additional examinations are necessary, the surgeon will be able to inform you of this at the first examination. The surgeon will also try to find out whether the problems described in the case of auricular dysplasia have a medical background. At least part of the treatment may be covered by your statutory health insurance or accident insurance. In the case of a purely cosmetic indication, where the costs are not borne by the health insurance but exclusively by the patient, costs of approx. 8,000 Swiss francs can be expected.Financing the operation costs of an auricle reconstruction?
There are various providers who offer loans for auricular reconstruction in return for a standard bank interest rate and appropriate collateral. There are also insurances against the costs of the operation. We are not allowed to make any specific recommendations at this point, but there are various providers in German-speaking countries.When can I return to work?
In times of home office and mandatory masks, you can - depending on how you feel - go straight back to work. If you can make it possible and work primarily at your desk, a quick return to work is possible after just a few days. However, if you are doing physical work, lifting heavy loads or working overhead, we would be happy to certify you as unfit for work for up to 2 weeks. Please note that you will need to wear a headband for 6 weeks to maintain the shape and position of your ears. Discuss this with your employer beforehand so that no conflicts of interest arise.From what age can I have ear surgery?
Ear auroplasty is possible in children before they start school, but also in adolescents and all adults.Is pain to be expected with auricular surgery?
Typically, this procedure does not involve any pain that cannot be controlled with a mild painkiller such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.Brief overview of facts and costs of ear surgery (auricle)
approx. 90 – 120 minutes
approx. 10 to 14 days
approx. 2 weeks
approx. 4 to 6 weeks
approx. 8.000 CHF